MA Teen Choice Book Award Nominees

The Massachusetts Teen Choice Book Award Committee has announced the list of 21 nominees (of books for young adults/teens) for the 2024 book award! This is the only award in the Bay State that invites students in grades 7-12 to vote for their favorite recently published books. This list has been specially curated by a committee of public librarians, school library media specialists & educators.

This summer teens will earn a raffle ticket to be used in the summer reading prize drawings for each nominated title they read. Then, in September, Massachusetts teens can vote for their favorite books. All nominees are available for borrowing from Beaman Library.

The Massachusetts Teen Choice Book Award is a cooperative project between the Massachusetts School Library Association (MSLA) and the Massachusetts Library Association (MLA) with support from Salem State University. For more information on the award process, the selected titles and how to participate and vote, please visit