Teacher Aids and Homeschool Support

photograph of a set of pencils

Our collection of Online Databases is available to students with a valid Beaman Library card.

Online Learning Applications

Beaman Library subscribes to a variety of digital resources. You may access many of these resources from a home or a library computer with the use of your Beaman Library card. Please note, you will need to have a Beaman Library card, not a card from another library, in order to access these resources.

Please visit the Digital Resources & Apps page for more information about these services.


These multimedia learning kits are for use by students in grades 2-5. Each kit includes a multitude of items and may include hands-on items, games, music, DVDs, and books related to a specific subject area.

Available Brainpacks include: Adventures in Air & Space • American Adventure • America’s Treasures (National Parks & Monuments, etc.) • Animals • Biography • Birds • Body Human • Earth • Electricity • Energy • Folktales & Folklore • Light • Magnetism • Massachusetts • Math Helps • Planets • Poetry • Simple Machines • Study Skills • Trees and Plants

Book a Tour

We welcome teachers and students to tour the Library and learn about what we have to offer. An orientation tour can be especially beneficial for students making the transition from elementary to middle school or from middle school to high school. To book a tour, please call the Library at 508-835-3711.

Assignment Alert

If you would like to inform the Library about an assignment that is coming up, please give Sue Smith a call at 508-835-3711 and let her know the topic, number of students involved, the due date, and the type of materials needed.