Friends of The Beaman Library
The Friends is a group of citizens of West Boylston and other towns who understand the importance of library service to the community. They work in a variety of ways to help improve the Library by providing funding for programming, technology, the Library Pass Program, and other expenses not covered in the municipal budget. They also are important advocates for the Library.

Join or Renew your Friends Membership
Friends membership dues and the Friends Book Sales are the primary forms of income for this endeavor. We encourage you to join or renew your membership to The Friends. Membership runs from January through December each year. To show your support for the Library, complete this form and return it to the Library with your membership fee OR select your membership level and pay online via the PayPal button below:
Friends Executive Board
President, Ann Ramminger
Vice President, Deb Gardner
Secretary, Lauren Espe
Treasurer, Gerry Espe
Book Sale, Diane Riopel, Sally Phelps, Deb Gardner
Publicity, Jenn Wyglinski
Membership, Deb Gardner, John Riopel
Museum Passes, MaryEllen Cocks
Library Director, Michael Long
If you would like to offer your services by serving on the Friends Board, please call the library at 508-835-3711 or email
Membership funds are used to purchase venue passes for places like Davis Farmland, New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill, The Ecotarium, Old Sturbridge Village, and Worcester Art Museum, and much more. These places can enhance your reading with real life images of scenery, botany, or other events that each venue provides to their patrons. The Friends have a goal to raise $10,000 in 2023. Help us surpass our annual fundraising goal this year - we need your help to make these wonderful adventures possible.
Friends Programs
Winter Gift Shop & Raffle
The Friends of the Beaman Library are hosting a Winter Gift Shop & Raffle! A variety of puzzles, books, candles, and soaps are available for purchase. Raffle tickets for a chance to win a ‘Warm Winter Wishes’ gift basket or a print of the town gazebo by artist Mark Waitkus are also available. All items…
Friends Book Sales
The Annual Book Sale Each fall the Friends of the Beaman Library host an Annual Book Sale and Raffle. This sale features gently used books, puzzles, DVDs, CDs, and games. All proceeds from the Sale are used to support Library programming and resources, including the Museum Pass Program. The 2023 Annual Book Sale and Raffle…
Now Accepting Book Donations
The Friends are now accepting book donations to be included in the Friends Annual Book Sale. Donations will be accepted via appointment with a staff member. When making a donation, please bring only a small quantity of books as we have a limited amount of space. Please know that your donation must be reviewed for…
Crossword Puzzle Answer Key
Did you attempt the crossword puzzle found on the last page of the most recent Beaman Browser? If so, compare your results to the answer key found here!