Nintendo Switch Drop-In Gaming
Come to the Library to play Nintendo Switch games on our huge SMART Board! One Nintendo Switch, a selection of games to play, and snacks [...]
The Basics of Genealogical Research
Names, dates, places, and events make up the core of genealogical research. Join genealogist Seema Kenney to discuss the importance of each piece of data, [...]
Homeschool Hangout: Gratitude
Gratitude is a big part of this time of year. We think about what we are thankful for and how we can help others. Today [...]
Mindful Meditation with Carol McGuiggan
This practice will include techniques to improve clarity of mind, relaxation, and self-awareness. Bring your yoga mat or sitting cushion and a receptive attitude.
Book Discussion Group: The Paris Library
Join us to discuss The Paris Library by Janet Skeslien Charles. Copies of the book will be available at the circulation desk one month prior [...]
Karaoke Night
Join West Boylston Middle High School’s Tri-M Music Honor Society for an evening of karaoke! Snacks will be served. All ages are welcome! No registration [...]
Italian Conversation Circle
Join other Italian speakers in the community for an opportunity to speak Italian exclusively for two hours!
Native American Presentation
Tim Red Loon Kelly will share with us the history, music, arts and regalia of the Nipmuc people who call Mt. Wachusett their home. We [...]
Magic: The Gathering, Commander Format
Play the Commander format of Magic: The Gathering with other teens! Please note, knowledge of the game is required. If you have your own decks, [...]
Art Class (ages 5-8)
For this class we are going to get inspiration from the beautiful artwork by Marie Anthony in our front staircase. Using different media, we will [...]